Becoming Catholic
Jesus lived, died, left us his Spirit, and gave the Church by which we can come to know him and love him. This Church is our home, and we would love to show you it!
There are two steps to becoming Catholic or receiving your adult Sacraments. The first is to join Discovering Catholicism. We meet on the second Monday of the month at 7 pm year round. Discovering Catholicism leads right into OCIA, which starts in January. OCIA meets weekly and takes you deeper into what the Catholic Church teaches.
There is no need to know for sure if you want to go through with becoming Catholic or receiving your adult Sacraments. You can just come and try out Discovering Catholicism. We would love to have you!
Interested? Click here to connect.
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
John 10:16
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
What is OCIA?
OCIA is simply the journey of becoming Catholic or of entering into the fullness of the Catholic faith. The letters themselves stand for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. The name sounds ancient because this is the same process that was used in those first centuries after Jesus for people coming into the Church.
Who is OCIA all about?
OCIA is all about developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. Most people, when they first join, have no spirituality or at least nothing that makes any practical difference in their lives. Yet, when they proceed along this journey of prayer, study, and service, they encounter Jesus in a living and personal manner. This transformation is often powerful because, where there was nothing before, now the living God is directly present to them.