Deacon Joseph Codespoti
March 22, 1933 - April 22, 2020

Share your video story, condolences, offers of prayer and love in honor of Deacon Joe.
Well done my good and faithful servant...
Come, share your master's joy.
Matthew 25:21
Thank you, Deacon Joe
Deacon Joe Codespoti passed onto his eternal reward on the evening of April 22, 2020.
As a deacon of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gary, Deacon Joe formed many bonds and touched numerous lives throughout his rich years of service. Across parishes, through Cursillos retreats, in prison ministry and most recently as one of our most beloved deacons at St. John the Evangelist Parish, he lived as a visible witness of the Gospel and the love of Christ.
Our deepest condolences and ongoing prayers go out to the Codespoti family, especially to his wife, Theresa, a sweet and dear friend to many at SJE.
You may be gone for a short time, but you won't be forgotten.
We love you so, Deacon Joe.
- Father Sammie Maletta and the SJE team

Video in memory of Deacon Joe
In honor of Deacon Joe, we would like to compile a video of condolences, stories, offers of prayer and love as a lasting tribute to his memory and a keepsake for his loved ones.
If you'd like to share a few words, please email your video, a photo or a written message to sje@stjohnparish.org or use the 'Send Your Love' button below.
Please limit video submissions to 15-20 seconds.
And don't forget to include your name(s) along with any photo or video submissions.
Cards for Deacon Joe can be mailed to the Parish Office
St. John the Evangelist Parish
11301 W 93rd Avenue
St. John, IN 46373
Attn: Codespoti Family
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