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Explore rewarding ministry opportunities at St. John the Evangelist Parish.


Join our team and help fulfill our mission to be disciples that make disciples while making a lasting impact in our parish and community. Discover your calling today!

About SJE

St. John the Evangelist Parish exists to be a church of disciples who make disciples who love God, love others, and serve the poor.


We seek to form intentional disciples who joyfully share the Gospel in every aspect of their lives. At, discover ministry opportunities that will inspire you to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ and actively participate in His mission to transform the world.


Come and join us as we answer the call to be disciples that make disciples!

Job Listings

Are you interested in hearing about new opportunities at St. John the Evangelist Parish?
Enter your email address to be notified automatically when new positions are posted. You can also upload a resume and cover letter for consideration when new positions open.

DiscipleUp Missionaries

Why become a DiscipleUp Missionary?

DiscipleUp is a Spirit-inspired ministry of St. John the Evangelist Parish, dedicated to inspiring, equipping, and supporting leaders to live out the mission of the Church, “to be disciples who make disciples.


As a DiscipleUp Missionary, you’ll play a vital role in supporting this mission by serving at the heart of parish life, gaining hands-on ministry experience, and growing as a Catholic leader.


DiscipleUp is great for young men and women who feel the call to serve on the frontlines of the Church--the parish. Whether you’re discerning what parish ministry looks like or you’re seeking to develop as a parish leader, DiscipleUp at SJE could be the place for you to gain those experiences and cultivate your skills and charisms in a prayerful and professional environment.


Join us in transforming lives and building up the Church through the power of intentional discipleship.

DiscipleUp Missionary Next Steps

Complete the form for more information on the DiscipleUp Missionary Program.

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