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The Lord loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7
When we give, it acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have, reflects our trust that He will continue to provide for us, and allows us to be a part of His work here on earth.
It’s something we do with joy.

4 Ways to Give

Use your parish envelope to donate with cash or check during Mass.
If you're a Parish Partner (church member), envelopes will be mailed to your home for use. We of course appreciate and depend on the generosity of others to move the mission of our church to Be Disciples and Make Disciples forward, but whether you're able to contribute a gift or not, please remember to place your envelope in the collection basket during Mass. If you give electronically, there's also a place for you to mark 'I've Given Online'.
The act of offering your envelope is a symbol of your offering to God. It's in fact an act of worship. By giving back to God, we demonstrate to Him and to ourselves that we believe in God, that all things come from God, and that we support and participate in the mission of God's people (the Church) to be a blessing to others.
Forgot your envelope? We have general use envelopes available in the narthex. Just write in your name when making your donation. You can also mail or dropped off your envelope at the Parish Office.
Thank you for your generosity and prayerful support.
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