One Church. One Mission.
St. John the Evangelist exists to be a Church of disciples who make disciples
that love God, love others, and serve the poor.

a person who loves the Lord with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind, and loves their neighbor as themself.
a worshiper and servant, a follower and friend of Jesus.
Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, Lord.
Everything we do begins with God and is directed to God because it's in Him that we find ourselves.
This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Through acts of love moved by faith, we entrust ourselves to Jesus and bring His love to bear in the lives of others.
Serve the Poor
Blessed are the poor...
By caring for the poor in spirit and the poor in means, the Kingdom of God comes to bear in the hearts and lives we serve.
Intentional disciples are missionary disciples.
A disciple is a person who actively follows Jesus and takes Jesus into the world in which he or she lives.
When we think of evangelizing, we first think of going out and sharing the story of Jesus with those who have never heard of Him. In fact, the New Evangelization is a call for all Catholics to be open to an encounter with Christ, and to allow ourselves to be evangelized for the first time or once again so we can go forth and share the Good News of who Jesus is with others.
As disciples, we are regularly called to renew our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. At the same time, we are also to go out and share who Christ is with those who have never met him.