Alison Powell
P.A. for Music
I am blessed to be able to call SJE the parish where I grew up, and received all my sacraments! I first learned to sing in the choir loft of the day-chapel and went on to study vocal music education. Music has always been an integral part of the how and why we do things here, and I am happy to be able to share my gifts and talents of music-making with my church family.
As the Pastoral Associate of Music, I serve on the Worship Team. I have the privilege of making and executing all the musical selections for our weekend liturgies, Feast Days, and school Masses. I direct the Praise and Worship Band, Youth Choirs, and Praise Group! Our Alpha and evangelization programs also incorporate music into how we do things at SJE.
What do you enjoy most about your ministry?
Singing is praying twice, and when the congregation of any and all ages are singing and experiencing the Lord through music, I am truly humbled by their participation. My goal in directing music is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us closer to the heart of Jesus, and help us to grow closer to God.
How can people get involved in your area of ministry?
The music ministry welcomes people of all musical backgrounds! If you play an instrument--reach out, if you love to sing--reach out, if you have a song you really love--send it my way!
Favorite Bible Quote
Psalm 22:26-27 "I will offer praise in the great assembly; my vows I will fulfill before those who fear him. The poor will eat their fill; those who seek the LORD will offer praise. May your hearts enjoy life forever!”